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Catastrophic Caves | New Release
Caves are extraordinary underground spectacles of pure grandeur. But more than that, they are a wondrous part of the history of this planet. Though their formation is often presented as exceedingly slow and gradual, new untold secrets are revealed in Catastrophic Caves, which suggest otherwise. When and how did caves form? How do cave formations develop? How long does this take? Are modern objects ever encased in cave deposits? These and many other intriguing questions will be answered with hundreds of compelling photographs. The evidence in this book may change your whole way of thinking about caves and the formations found within them.
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Dire Dragons
It's time to delve into the mystery surrounding those creatures known throughout the world in ancient times as dragons. Are they merely mythical, or do they have a basis in reality? The answer, based on tangible evidence documented from around the world will astonish you. Dire Dragons provides revolutionary and profound evidence from ancient artwork that there is a real, powerful, documentable, and defensible connection between the dragons of ancient times and the dinosaurs we know so well from fossils. If you need to see the evidence, this book is for you.
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Flood Fossils
Noah. Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Flood. These are often thought to be nothing more than religious sensationalism, pure myth. However, what if the most amazing story of all time turned out to be true? What if our modern secular scientific system was wrong on these points? How would the world change with the knowledge that Noah, the Ark, and the Flood were absolutely true? Flood Fossils provides real, solid, and prodigious evidence for the veracity of Noah’s Flood. Prepare to be amazed: the Ark, the Flood, the fossils.
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Monumental Monsters
Delve into the mystery surrounding fossils of gigantic creatures that have been unearthed all over this planet. Though these creatures looked similar to their living counterparts, there was one major difference: they were enormous by comparison. Monumental Monsters will take you on a journey to a fascinating world filled with curiosity and wonder. Investigate, analyze, reason, and draw conclusions as to why and how these creatures originated, survived, grew so large, and finally disappeared. These monumental monsters present great insight into the true history of planet Earth.
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